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Bulldog Behavior

Clip Chart Color System


Purple- Awesome Day!

Green- Ready to Learn (Good Day)- This is where they start and should stay unless they do something OUTSTANDING, they’ll move to purple.

Yellow- Think About it (5 min. timeout at recess)

Blue-Warning (10 min. timeout at recess)

Red- Parent Contact (No recess)



Homework Packet includes:

  • Nursery Rhyme-Recite on Friday

  • Sight word cards- Test Friday

  • Review Math activities

  • Letter  Handwriting Practice

  • Draw, Print, and/or find 3 things that start with the Letter of the week.


Report Cards

Take Home Folder

Your child will be receiving a report card every quarter (9-10 weeks).   

The report card consists of of letter grades for the core subjects and a checklist of important Kindergarten skills. 

Letter Grades -

E: Exceeds Expectations: Performing above grade level expectations

S: Satisfactory: Performing at grade level expectations

N: Needs improvement: Performing below level expectations but making progress

U: Unsatisfactory: Performing below level expectations, extra practice and intervention needed. 

I will send  report cards in their folders at the end of each quarter.  Please sign and return promptly.  We will have Parent/Teacher conferences as needed throughout the year. 

Take-home folders will be sent home nightly. This folder will be purple! It will include a weekly newsletter, Daily Conduct Chart (behavior), Bulldog Reading Log, and any important notes and student work.


For the conduct chart, I will put a star to match the color the child received on the behavior clip chart from the classroom. A brief note or code number will be written to inform you about their behavior if child is below green. I will make further contact, if needed. Initial the chart DAILY as well.


Place any notes, money, or paperwork for the office or myself in the folder. It is always a good idea to let your child know that there is something import for their teacher in the folder! 

Please view and keep up with what is sent home and return the folder EVERY day.

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